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Thank you for your interest in writing a guest post for the Excel Capital blog. We frequently feature guest writers on our business blog and make sure to feature each and every one with our community of small business owners. Please read through these guidelines fully before submitting your post for review. By submitting a guest post for our consideration, you are confirming that you agree to these terms.

ORIGINALITY: All guest posts should be original (never before published) content by an author associated with the company providing the post. Your guest post cannot appear elsewhere online, including your own blog. Once your post is accepted for publication, you grant us permission to be the sole publisher of your content and agree not to publish it elsewhere.

LENGTH: Posts should be a minimum of 1000 words.

LINKS: All posts should be non-promotional and can contain one do-follow backlink. Aside from this, a link to your company can be included in the bio.

TOPIC: Topics should be relevant to small business owners or the financial industry. Please use the search box at the top of the site to see if we already have content related to your topic. If we do, consider covering a different angle or perspective on the topic. If you are having issues on deciding on the topic feel free to contact us.

BIO: Authors must provide the following information:

  • A current email address (will not be made public)
  • A short bio, 50 words or less (may include a link to the company website)
  • A headshot (you can make it easier for us by uploading your headshot to Gravatar, using the email address you’re providing)
  • Any social profile links to be included in the author profile (if you provide a Twitter handle, we will mention you when promoting the post)
  • Please note: We will not attribute your post to a company; the author bio must be for a specific person representing the company.

IMAGES: You don’t need to provide graphics or images with your submitted post unless they are directly related to the content (i.e., screenshots related to the content of the post).

SUBMISSION: Please submit your post as a Word document, a Google document or pasted in the body of the email message or using the form below. You can also contact our Chief Editor at simon@excelcapmanagement.com. No PDFs or HTML formatting, please.

ACCEPTANCE/NOTIFICATION: We have a rolling publication schedule that typically goes out about 1-2 weeks. You will be notified via email if your post is accepted. If we do not send you a publication date via email within two weeks of submission, we will not be publishing your article on our blog. We receive hundreds of guest post emails every week, and are not able to respond to every inquiry or provide individual feedback on why a post may not have been accepted; it is likely that your post did not conform to our guidelines or was not a fit for our audience.

EDITS: At the time of publishing we may lightly edit the post for readability, mentions of specific products or brands may be removed or edited, and relevant internal and external links may be added.